Title: Citizen and Government: The Role of Good Governance – A Case Study of Nigeria’s Economic Situation By Precious Adigwe

by | May 23, 2024 | Blog Post

Home E BLog Post E Blog Post E Title: Citizen and Government: The Role of Good Governance – A Case Study of Nigeria’s Economic Situation By Precious Adigwe

In any society, the relationship between citizens and their government is crucial for the well-being and progress of the nation. Good governance plays a fundamental role in shaping a nation’s economic situation, paving the way for sustainable development, social stability, and individual prosperity. This blog post aims to explore the significance of good governance, taking the current economic situation in Nigeria as a case study.

Good governance refers to a set of principles and practices that ensure accountability, transparency, participation, fairness, and efficiency in the functioning of a government. It serves as a framework for effective decision-making, policy implementation, and public service delivery. The key elements of good governance include the rule of law, strong institutions, respect for human rights, and citizen engagement.

The Nigerian Economic Situation

Nigerians Protest of Cost of Living

“This is not Hope but Shege” is the outcry in Nigeria in the past few weeks that reflects the current situation. Although Nigeria is faced with numerous challenges in achieving economic stability and sustainable development. Issues such as corruption, inadequate infrastructure, mismanagement of resources, and limited diversification have hindered its progress. Key areas affected by this situation includes:
High Cost of Living:
The cost of living in Nigeria has been on a steady rise, making it increasingly difficult for citizens to afford basic necessities. According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the country’s inflation rate has been on an upward trajectory, reaching 17.33% in February 2021. This surge in inflation has eroded the purchasing power of the average Nigerian, leading to widespread financial strain.
Insecurity continues to pose a significant threat to Nigeria’s economic well-being. The activities of insurgent groups, banditry, and communal clashes have disrupted economic activities and deterred investment in various regions. In 2020, the Global Terrorism Index ranked Nigeria as the third most impacted country by terrorism, further highlighting the detrimental impact of insecurity on the economy.

Government Policies
The effectiveness and impact of government policies play a crucial role in shaping the economic landscape. However, uncertainties surrounding policy implementation and inconsistencies have created challenges for businesses and investors. The lack of a stable policy environment has contributed to investment hesitancy and reduced confidence in the economy.

Crash of the Naira
The devaluation of the Naira has significantly affected Nigeria’s economic stability. According to the Central Bank of Nigeria, the official exchange rate of the Naira to the US dollar has been adjusted multiple times, reflecting the currency’s declining value. This has led to increased import costs, further driving up the prices of goods and services within the country.

Unemployment remains a pressing issue in Nigeria, with the youth being disproportionately affected. The NBS reported the country’s unemployment rate at 33.3% in the fourth quarter of 2020, highlighting the urgent need for job creation and skills development initiatives to mitigate this challenge.

Corruption has been a persistent issue in Nigeria, impacting various sectors of the economy. According to Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, Nigeria ranked 149 out of 180 countries in 2020, indicating the prevalence of corruption within the country and its adverse effects on economic development.

The Role of Good Governance
Nigeria, a nation blessed with immense potential, faces the ongoing challenge of achieving good governance. This entails fostering an environment where leadership is responsible, transparent, and accountable to the people it serves. However, achieving this ideal requires not just capable leaders, but also active and engaged citizens. Good governance encourages and ensures:

1. Accountability: Good governance establishes mechanisms that hold government officials accountable for their actions and decisions. Transparent financial systems, efficient auditing, and anti-corruption measures are crucial in combating corruption and ensuring that public funds are utilized appropriately for development initiatives. Our role in PPDC through the community-based monitoring systems to track projects and ensure quality delivery of services is a critical way of holding the government accountable.

2. Transparency: Transparency in governance encourages trust between citizens and the government. Openness in decision-making processes, accessible information, and regular reporting enhance public confidence and enable citizens to participate effectively in public affairs. Transparency also discourages corrupt practices and fosters an environment conducive to investment and economic growth.

3. Citizen Participation: Citizen participation in decision-making processes empowers individuals and communities, enabling them to voice their concerns, contribute ideas, and hold their government accountable. By involving citizens through consultations, town hall meetings, and public hearings, good governance ensures that policies and projects align with the needs and aspirations of the people.

4. Strengthening Institutions: Good governance helps build strong and efficient institutions capable of delivering essential services, implementing policies effectively, and upholding the rule of law. Independent judiciary, impartial law enforcement agencies, and reliable regulatory bodies play a vital role in attracting investments, protecting property rights, and fostering a stable business environment.

5. Sustainable Economic Development: Good governance promotes long-term economic growth by creating an attractive investment climate, reducing bureaucracy, and encouraging entrepreneurship. It emphasizes prudent fiscal management, responsible resource allocation, and strategic planning, allowing governments to invest in critical sectors such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

The current economic situation in Nigeria serves as a stark reminder of the importance of good governance in fostering sustainable development. By implementing transparent mechanisms, ensuring accountability, promoting citizen participation, and strengthening institutions, the government can address the existing challenges and unlock the nation’s vast potential. It is the collective responsibility of both citizens and the government to actively engage in building a system that prioritizes good governance, ultimately leading to a prosperous and inclusive society in Nigeria and beyond. In all “The success of democracy is impossible without the participation of the people.